ROOT Recipes featuring CULTJAR - Part 1

Rob Howell's creative veg-led plates with a CULTJAR twist 
We are super-excited to collaborate with the brilliant Rob Howell, chef and director of ROOT restaurant, a modern, veg-led, sharing plates restaurant in Wells, Somerset, as well as its sister restaurant Root, Bristol.  

 Just three miles from us here @worminsterfarm, Rob (a Michelin-starred Bib Gourmand chef) runs his modern, veg-centric eatery, ROOT. As well as his restaurants, Rob's acclaimed cookbook 'ROOT' is packed full of mouth-watering small-plate recipes, championing the versatility of vegetables. 
 CULTJAR and ROOT share many of the same values! Focusing on sustainability and using the very best quality ingredients, Rob showcases over 100 recipes in his book, many of which include fermented and preserved vegetables - which we obviously love! Over the coming weeks and months we'll be sharing a few more delicious recipe pairing ideas and suggestions.  

“Rob Howell has the omnivore's balance just right – leading with seasonal plants, with a bit of well-chosen meat and fish 'for special'. And he knows a thing or two about making them all delicious.” 

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall



Healthy, Seasonal, Easy & Delicious! 

We've selected a few of our favourite recipes from the ROOT book and given them a little CULTJAR twist! Making the recipes easier for you to recreate, by simply finishing them with one or more of our delicious ferments, sott'olio and pickles. We want you to get inspired and create recipes with a veg-centric focus!


Beetroot with Blackberries, Hazelnut & Seaweed


Pair this recipe with:

Beetroot & Red Onion Ferment


12 Beetroot 

1 punnet of blackberries (about 150g) 

100g hazelnuts, roasted and crushed

Brine from the fermented beetroot

Seaweed oil (neutral-tasting oil blended with Nori seaweed and strained)

Nasturtium leaves, to garnish 

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 jar of CULTJAR Beetroot and Red Onion ferment



Pre-heat the oven to Fan 200°c | 220ºc | Gas Mark 7. Place 10 whole beetroots onto a tray and roast in the oven for 2 and a half hours.

Allow to completely cool, you should be able to peel off the skins easily using your hands. Roughly chop, and put aside.

Next roughly chop the blackberries and roasted hazelnuts, leave in separate bowls and place aside for the moment.

Peel and slice the 2 remaining beetroot thinly on a mandolin and spread on a tray and season well, this will soften the beetroot before placing them into a container and covering with pickle liquid.

To complete the dish, take a mixing bowl and add 3 large tablespoons of the fermented beetroot in to the roasted. Place on the plate and scatter the hazelnut, blackberries and pickled beetroot on top. 

Dress with some seaweed oil and a splash of the beetroot pickle liquid and finish with the nasturtium leaves.


Grilled Butterflied Sardines with Kimchi 


Pair this recipe with:

CULTJAR Kimchi or Vegan Kimchi


8 sardines, butterflied

3 tablespoons first-pressed rapeseed oil

3 tablespoons lemon juice


1 jar of CULTJAR Kimchi or Vegan Kimchi



Preheat the grill or chargrill, dress the sardines in a little rapeseed and season with salt both sides before cooking on a grill skin side down on a piece of baking paper or under the grill skin side up. Cook for about 90 seconds until skin in crisp and flesh just cooked. Finish by serving alongside a nice pile of kimchi and a splash of lemon juice and little more salt if needed.



Find more creative and delicious recipes like this in Rob Howell's book 'Root' -